Sunday, July 24, 2011

Who Am I?

I'm copying a friend of mine and linking up to another site:  The blogger has asked that we answer the following questions about ourselves....

Why did you decide to start blogging?  I started blogging in the Spring because I suddenly parted ways with my employer after almost 20 years of service.  It was a tough time for me and I needed an outlet.  
When you aren't blogging, what are you doing?  When I am not blogging I am playing games on Facebook (I LOVE to play games), reading, watching TV, or spending time with family or my church family.  I live a predominantly sedentary life but am slowly trying to become more active.  In all reality, I don't think blogging is going to help me in this endeavor!!
What is your blog about?  My blog started as an outlet for my unemployment status, but I am happy to say that my employment status has changed, so now I will be blogging about anything that comes to mind.
When do you find the time to blog?  Whenever I can :)
What is your favorite post so far that you've written?  The post immediately before this one..... God is good and he will provide direction if you are willing to look for it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I have to change the title of my blog....

I have a job!!!  This week I was offered the Child Assessment Director position at Sunflower House, a non profit agency that serves child abuse victims.  Sunflower House offers advocacy, education, forensic interviews and medical evaluations.  I am so excited about this opportunity and thank God who placed me where I needed to be.  He even sent me a message the day of my second interview....  a sunflower in my backyard!  I've lived in this house for 17 years and this is the first time I have ever had a sunflower in my yard.  The peace that settled over me that morning was amazing.  Nothing is better than God's providence and direction in my life.  My many thanks to all my family and friends who prayed for me these past few months.  God is definitely good.

Here's the sunflower -- isn't it beautiful???

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do not shop..... go straight home

Today I was talking to an old friend of mine (old as in I've known her forever, not old as in old :))......  She is dealing with some significant health issues lately and I was just calling to check on her.  She reminded me of several funny stories that span back over several years.  I certainly enjoyed talking to her today and was warmed by her positive outlook on life.   I asked her if there was anything I could do for her and she said knowing that friends and family were thinking about her and praying for her was enough.  I told her if she needed anything, all she needed to do was ask......  The Smart Alec comes back with "I told you to go straight home, not go shopping!"

Oh my.....  I had hit a nerve.  Last time I visited with her was the day of the big storm here in KC that required most everyone to seek basement shelter in the middle of a work day for over an hour.  Tornado sirens were going off, dark clouds were rolling in...  I think the Joplin tornado had occurred just 3 days prior.  My big goal for that day was to prepare dessert for that night's big family dinner -- my niece was in from out of town with her beau and her baby and all I needed to bring was dessert.  As T and I were watching the weather from her basement, I realized I had 30 minutes before the storm was to hit where we live.  My plan had been to go to the grocery store on my way home...  I decided to make a run for it.....  T tells me as I'm leaving "don't stop at the store, go straight home."  I nod my head yes as I shut her front door and then say "after I go to the grocery store."  You see -- I didn't want to tell a lie....  I just made sure she couldn't hear me when I finished my sentence!!

I went to the grocery store.....  they weren't letting people shop because of the tornado sirens....  if we entered the store, we had to go back to the freezer.  So I stayed outside by the front doors for a little while, watching those clouds roll in.  (Note -- I wasn't the only one standing by those doors!!)  Sanity finally weighed in and I went home.... texting T that I had arrived safely.

Okay, so, no big humorous lesson for anyone today, just a good, private laugh at a recent memory and T's quick wit and my promise to her that next time, I will try much harder to follow directions.  Love you T.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A life gone too soon

Over the weekend I found out that a woman I use to work with had a heart attack and died.  She leaves behind two children, the youngest who is middle school aged.  She was only five years older than me.  While I didn't know her well, and really couldn't consider her a friend, the suddenness of her death has left me somewhat shaken.

Here was a single parent who worked extremely hard at ensuring that children and families less fortunate than her own had access to the kinds of things we probably take for granted -- Easter baskets, Thanksgiving dinners, birthday and Christmas gifts, prom dresses and all the extras that go with that special day.  And at the end of the day, in the blink of an eye, she's gone.  

In addition to the suddenness, my shakiness has to do with her age and her size.  She was only five years older than me at the time she died and she was over-weight.  I have no idea what lead to her heart attack, and I don't know anything about her medical history, but being that close in age and being over-weight myself, well.....  it's hitting pretty close to home.

Hug your loved ones tonight and take care of yourself, you never know when it will all be gone.


Sunday, July 3, 2011


In the grand scheme of my life, I am a relatively new believer in Christ.  This is important in the fact that I believe my recent employment changes have been His way of teaching me about patience.  I have never been a patient person, whether it's being patient about something highly anticipated or highly dreaded.  I must have grown up always getting what I wanted (at least that's what my brothers LOVED to tell me when I was a kid.)  Or....  I just never really learned how to be patient.....  or, I've lost it over the years.  I'm not sure which is true (and I'm not sure which of these my ego will let me admit) however, I don't have much of it now.  I remember as kid being so excited about opening presents on Christmas Day that I could hardly go to the sleep on Christmas Eve.  I can still feel that anticipation the night before some big planned activity.  I sincerely think that this has contributed to my difficulty in sleeping.  Whenever I am anticipating something bad the next day, I don't sleep then either.  Specifically when there is an unknown quality/quantity to the event.  When I'm waiting for news....  I don't want to wait.  When I'm expecting something in the mail....  I don't want to wait.  When I'm expecting someone to arrive....  I don't want to wait.  See a pattern??  Unfortunately, I don't know how much I have learned these past few weeks as I'm anticipating some news this week and I'm having difficulty waiting through the Holiday weekend.  I know that God will see me through this, I just wish He'd hurry!!