- Visiting Wal-mart on a non-Holiday weekday -- better parking, less crowds, overall easier access.
- NO MORE RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC -- road construction in KC is horrible -- necessary, but horrible.
- I can be Facebook friends with people I use to supervise..... now I don't care what they post or when they post it :)
- I can walk during the day, not have to rush it in early morning or late at night.
- Way less RESPONSIBILITY...... no more clients, no more staff -- WHEW!!!!
- I look forward to going to sleep at night.... so sad that I use to fight it because I dreaded getting up in the morning.
- I'm looking forward to improving how I look -- about 3-6 months out, everyone else who has left the company looks 10 years younger. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
- Less stress -- until the financial burden hits anyways :)
- Eventually my house will be clean...... eventually......
- I can give up those "work" books I forced myself to read, all in the name of being a better manager. If I owned them, I might of had a bonfire (not really, I couldn't do that to books, but the thought is fun.)
- I get to experience what it's like to be a stay at home Mom -- my kids are teens..... there's fruit for a whole bunch of posts..... so they are super excited I'm home when they get home from school (insert sarcasm :))
I'm sure I will find more and I will add those as they arise. So thankful for an outlet to say what I need to say.
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